Preserving the Residential Character of Boca Teeca

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Best Option for Ocean Breeze Property

There are basically 3 options for the Ocean Breeze property:

1) Leave it as a golf course or other recreational facility via purchase by the Greater Boca Raton Beach & Park District (GBRBPD) with, or without, the cooperation of the city of Boca Raton.
*The GBRBPD has an excellent history of purchasing property than was considered for development and was maintained for park & recreational use, including the Swim & Racquet Club on St. Andrews Blvd. which remains an excellent tennis & swimming facility open to the public.
*The GBRBPB had over $22 million in liquid funds as of the beginning of their calendar year with several million dollars budgeted for projects that are unlikely to be used during the current fiscal year, so they certainly have the financial resources to acquire the ocean breeze property.

2) Allow the golf course to close and leave the open space views for all Boca Teeca residents to enjoy.  This alternative would probably be a waiting game as the owner of the property ( currently Wells Fargo Bank) will eventually get tired of paying property taxes and maintenance as the city code will require the property to be maintained and the grass cut on a regular basis.  Property values will not be expected to decline since a view of open space is a valuable benefit that is not easily found in Boca  Raton, especially at the price levels available in Boca Teeca.

3) Support development of the property by Lennar or other builders which will increase the already high density in the area and increase traffic on the already congested NW 2nd Ave.  It is expected that this alternative will result in the widening of NW 2nd Ave. to 4 lanes that will resemble the appearance and high traffic already seen on this road south of Yamato Rd.  This road widening & increase in traffic would destroy the residential character of the Boca Teeca community and also result in a decline in property values.  Under the previous development proposal by MCZ Centrum the BTUOA leaders convinced condo leaders that a contribution to each association of approximately $226/unit would be an attractive offer to compensate for the negative impact from the development.  This was a horrible deal since the property values would be expected to decline significantly more than this small contribution.  It is anticipated that the secretive BTUOA is already discussing the monetary contribution that they and/or condo associations will get from the developer.  This contribution to the BTUOA or the condo associations will be a pittance compared to the decline in property values.

Conclusion - clearly alternatives #1 & #2 are the best choices for Boca Teeca property owners.  Maintaining the only championship level golf course within the city limits is a viable solution if the property is purchased by the GBRBPD or other organization.  While the golf course may not be profitable, neither are most of the other parks & recreational facilities within the city.  There has often been 200 - 300+ users of this golf course per day which is probably in excess of the normal number of users of the new Spanish River park that cost approximately $13 million to develop on donated land and the budget has $7 million for expanding this park for additional soccer fields.  The users of the golf course also contribute significantly to the maintenance of the facility by paying $35-$50+/round of golf.

The city has already approved the development of several thousand residential units, so the GBRBPD will need to provide additional facilities for all these new residents to be able to recreate and the Ocean Breeze property has been identified as the last large parcel of land available to satisfy this expanding demand for recreational facilities.

Just say NO TO DEVELOPMENT & protect the residential character of Boca Teeca & protect the property values for everyone in the area.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

BTUOA meeting on May 10th

Below is an illustration of sentiment about the BTUOA and it's operation and the formation of a secret committee that is negotiating with Lennar as a representative of residents of Boca Teeca:
This is why Sallie cannot be trusted to represent our interests. Look how many e mails went back and forth over the past couple of weeks. I made sure she received them all and not one response from her. It wasn't until I sent one to her specifically prohibiting her from making any commitment to Lennar that she finally responded. Is she elected to the position she holds? Who votes? When is her term expiring? Will u replace her? We need a fair & transparent representative.
The next meeting of the BTUOA is scheduled for May 10th at 2:30pm at the Ocean Breeze dining room or is this the time for the "President's Council" meeting?   Residents may be members of the BTUOA via their condo association paying $1/unit for everyone's membership, so please pass this information along so there is a balanced representation of owners at this meeting and not only the "friends" of the BTUOA and their secret committee.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Boca Teeca Leadership: Real vs. Perceived

Q. Who is legally authorized to speak for Boca Teeca residents?
A. Condo & HOA board of directors may speak at public events on behalf of their boards, BUT their comments may not be an accurate reflection of the their residents on a wide range of issues that may be far afield from anything that a condo board may be authorized to act upon. 

Q. Is there a Master Association which governs all Boca Teeca condo & HOA associations?
A. No - each condo & HOA association is completely independent of the other associations

Q. Is there an authorized group of boards that meets and acts on behalf of all the condo associations, also known as the President's Council?
A. No, the group that calls themselves the president's council is an unofficial group of board members that meet once per month to discuss issues that may be beneficial to other condo association leaders, such as the contractors and cost for painting, paving, roofing or other maintenance and basic operational issues.  This group is not incorporated and has no organizational authority to act on behalf of anyone in Boca Teeca, in spite of some perceptions that members or leaders of this group are authoirzed to speak on behalf of Boca Teeca residents.

Q.  How does the perpetuity deed restriction work?
A.  During the previous attempt at development there was an amendment to the deed restriction which requires 75% of unit owners to approve a change of use on the Ocean Breeze golf course, plus the approval of the owner of the golf course.  

Q. What is the Boca Teeca Unit Owner's Association (BTUOA)?
A. The Boca Teeca Unit Owner's Association was a corporation that was established during the development of the Boca Teeca community in order to protect the residents from the over-development of the community and to assure the residents were collectively organized at public meetings to address traffic congestion and other issues.  This organization was inactive for a period after the death of the longtime president of the corporation, Shirley Schnuer, as the successor president was unable or unwilling to continue the operation of the corporation.  Many residents had paid membership dues to this organization through the years in exchange for a telephone directory which funded the corporation, yet the members were not consulted on many public policy issues, nor were all of the members consulting on the dissolution of the corporation.  This corporation has been reactivated with the same president and officer had been listed over the past several years (per  There appear have been no elections by the "members" for many years, so it is questionable if the current officers are following the corporations bylaws in this respect.

Q. What will happen to the golf course and hotel property once the Wells Fargo bank completes the foreclosure on the property?
A. Wells Fargo bank is now the owner of the property and they are not normally owners of golf courses or hotels.  Wells Fargo bank has the ability to operate or close these businesses AND/OR resell these properties to investors or other business operators that could continue the current businesses.  Or, new owners could seek to change the zoning at city council in order to allow for a more profitable use of the property even though this may not be in their best interest of all the residents of Boca Teeca.  If this occurs, will some residents throw other residents under the bus in order to protect their immediate area, OR will they act in the best interest of ALL their neighbors and work to improve the country club and hotel property for the benefit of the entire community?

Q. What happens if the golf course closes?
A.  City code requires the owner to maintain the property so that it is not a nuisance.  There are specific requirements that must be met by the property owner who will be subject to fines and liens if these requirements are not met.  Adjacent property owners will continue to enjoy views of open green space which is expected to support property values compared to views of roofs from development.

Q. What is the best way for Boca Teeca residents to protect the residential character of our community?
A.  Individuals residents should communicate with city officials and future candidates for public office that are in need of votes from a group of over 2,000 residents that live in the Boca Teeca area.  These communications should be focused on public health and safety, as well as, beautification of our public areas, such as sidewalks and easements.  As an example, it would certainly be an improvement to the community if the single sidewalk on the east side of NW 2nd Ave. was widened to 10-12 feet so that walkers & casual bicyclists can exercise and enjoy our beautiful sunshine. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Protect Boca Teeca Property Values - Just Say No To Development

Boca Teeca unit owners need to aware of the risk to their property values as a result of cooperating with developers such as Lennar or MCZ Centrum.  Almost 10 years ago the BTUOA convinced condo assoc boards that it was worth amending the deed restriction in exchange for an average of $226/unit paid the the condo association.  The recently activated BTUOA is trying to do the same thing with their recent presentations to condo associations, BUT once again they are failing to recognize the large decline in condo property values that will occur once NW 2nd Ave is widened to 4 lanes and the view if the golf courses will be replaced with rooftops.  It is not worth $226 payable to a condo assoc when the property values will decline by thousands of dollars per unit.

Many residents are very upset about the fact that their condo boards have again been duped by the leader of the BTUOA which is a for profit corporation with only 2 officers over the past several years.  It is doubtful that the BTUOA is even following their own bylaws for holding elections for officers & directors by their members.

A condo President recently announced that courtesy of their board that all residents are now members of the BTUOA - So What!  The members do not have any rights to vote or even get a discount on their next cup of coffee so why has this condo board paid $1/unit for membership to a corporation that provides no benefits?  The condo president was also proud to announce that the board had also paid additional funds into the BTUOA in order to support the corporation's operating and legal fees.  So this condo board has paid approximately $1,000 to a Corp that does not provide any rights to it's contributors.

The president further explained that there were currently no plans provided by the BTUOA or Lennar for development of the golf course but it is expected that their golf course views will be replaced with roof top views .... that are expected to result in the decline in their property vales, as announced by a snowbird owner that had not been aware of the previous expenditure by the board to the BTUOA.  The owner further noted that this negative impact on property values will affect all unit owners whether they have a view of the golf course or not.  Of course the condo president did not have a response to this unit owner - DUH!

The answer for Boca Teeca residents is to simply say no to developers and the BTUOA.  The absolute worse scenario for condo residents is development which will result in the widening of NW 2nd Ave to 4 lanes as this will destroy the residential character of the entire community.  The city has confirmed that the owner of the golf course will be required to maintain the property so that the neighboring residents are not calling the city to complain.  The view of open green space is worth much more to condo property values so just say no to development on ocean breeze and all residents win.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Beach & Park District Looking Into Ocean Breeze Property

District director looks into Boca golf course's future
by Emily Miller and Paul Owers  - Contact Reporters  –  SunSentinel 4/6/2016

Talk surrounding a potential sale of an east Boca Raton golf course for development has at least one official reviewing whether local government should step in before it's too late.

Arthur Koski, executive director of the Greater Boca Raton Beach and Park District, said Wednesday he has reached out to Wells Fargo Bank for any information surrounding the future of the Ocean Breeze Golf & Country Club. He said "it would be useful knowledge" to have.

Considered the largest recreation tract left for purchase in the city, the golf course at 5801 NW Second Ave. is nestled on 280-plus acres in the Boca Teeca subdivision, according to its website. The course has 27 holes.

MCZ/Centrum Florida V Owner LLC bought the site in 2004 for $7.2 million, property records show. After years of pushing the proposal, the developer won city approval in 2007 to build 211 townhomes on 30 acres of the golf course. But Wells Fargo foreclosed on the property before the developer ever put a shovel in the ground, according to news reports.

Mayor Susan Haynie said Wells Fargo is talking to potential developers, but nothing has been submitted to the city. A new developer would need to get a new approval, says Boca’s mayor.
Despite a buzz of a potential buy, neither Haynie nor Koski had heard anything definite about whether a sale is in the works. Representatives of the Ocean Breeze Golf & Country Club and Wells Fargo Bank couldn't be reached for comment despite phone calls.

Golf is declining in popularity, and as a result, development of courses has become more common.  Whether the district would indeed purchase the land "would depend upon the immediate availability of revenue and resources," Koski said.

A 28-year resident of Boca Teeca appealed to district on Monday.  "It would appear to be very feasible for the beach & park district to purchase this land and preserve the only public championship-level golf course in a city that is known for their many golf courses," said Robert DuKate, who in the past led a group of Boca Teeca homeowners who opposed development of the course.

Years ago, another community had unsuccessfully tried to convince the district to buy its course, Koski said. The property in the Boca Del Mar community did not fit the district's interests because it would have been difficult to provide public access.

Like the Boca Del Mar property, the golf course in Boca Teeca is designed primarily for use by its residents and parking for the public would be a concern, Koski said. "Those issues would have to be considered, too," he said.  Historically, the district has indicated that it does not want to be in the golf-course business. However, commissioners may consider such a venture if it were done in partnership with the city, though no discussions have been had regarding the Ocean Breeze course, Koski said.
The previous developer had the zoning changed to accommodate homes, but that zoning approval has since expired, Haynie said. A new developer would need to get a new approval.

And if a developer did step forward, Haynie said, the city would need to address the traffic issues on Northwest Second Avenue before a plan for the golf course could be approved.