Lennar and Wells Fargo contract decisions to buy/sell the golf course is completely independent of the current petition drive by residents opposing the development on the golf course. Regardless of the number of petitions that are signed opposing any development on the property, Lennar may close on their contract and buy the property. Hence, the success of the petition drive opposing the development may not prevent the sell of the property to Lennar, but the petition will indicate that they have an uphill battle to convince residents to eliminate the deed restriction. This could be career suicide of the Lennar employees that are rcommending the company buy this land, but maybe these employees believe the risk/reward is worth the gamble.
Over the past few days there have been comments about Lennar or Wells Fargo commencing a civil lawsuit versus residents opposing the development, but since none of these residents are engaged in any illegal activity, this possibility would appear remote and would only increase the already negative perception of Lennar within the Boca Teeca community.
If there were the risk of a civil lawsuit by Lennar, then it could possibly be versus the BTUOA for misrepresentation their representation of Boca Teeca residents and incorrectly giving Lennar the perception that residents were in favor of amending or deleting the deed restriction on the golf course. Could this be the reason Doug mentioned at a recent meeting that the BTUOA is in the process of buying liability insurance to protect their officers and directors?
Thursday, June 30, 2016
FAQs re: Lennar & Wells Fargo
There have been questions swirling around the Boca Teeca community regarding the petition and what is going on with Wells Fargo sell of the property to Lennar, so here are answers to many of these questions:
1) Is Wells Fargo selling the golf course to Lennar?
Answer: Wells Fargo has stated that they have a contract to sell the property to Lennar and Lennar rep. Bruce Grundt (Bruce.Grundt@Lennar.com) has confirmed that there are several contingencies to this contract.
2) What contingencies are involved in this contract?
Answer: Neither company will be transparent on this issue and when asked about these contingencies they have refused to provide an answer. Obviously not cooperating with residents.
3) Is Wells Fargo aware that the city of Boca Raton has discussed favorably the possibility of acquiring the propert?
Answer: Yes, they have confirmed that they are aware the city is interested in acquiring the property, per there awareness of this issue being discussed at the May 10, 2016 city council meeting.
4) Why is Lennar continuing the purchase process when they have heard that the large majority of residents actively oppose their moat development concept and oppose any development on the golf course/are they aware that Boca Teeca property owners control the use of the property via the recorded deed restriction that requires the use to be only as a golf course?
Answer: Yes, Lennar is aware of the deed restriction controlled by property owners within Boca Teeca. Lennar is not transparent in their reasoning on the purchase, expect that thy want to build on all of the golf course property.
5) Is Lennar representative Bruce Grundt is planning to retire, or commit career suicide by pursuing this acquisition, OR is Lennar simply trying to make Boca Teeca residents their lobbyists at the city council in an attempt to swap the Ocean Breeze golf course for the current municipal golf course and achieve a large discount on the purchase price of the current municipal golf course?
1) Is Wells Fargo selling the golf course to Lennar?
Answer: Wells Fargo has stated that they have a contract to sell the property to Lennar and Lennar rep. Bruce Grundt (Bruce.Grundt@Lennar.com) has confirmed that there are several contingencies to this contract.
2) What contingencies are involved in this contract?
Answer: Neither company will be transparent on this issue and when asked about these contingencies they have refused to provide an answer. Obviously not cooperating with residents.
3) Is Wells Fargo aware that the city of Boca Raton has discussed favorably the possibility of acquiring the propert?
Answer: Yes, they have confirmed that they are aware the city is interested in acquiring the property, per there awareness of this issue being discussed at the May 10, 2016 city council meeting.
4) Why is Lennar continuing the purchase process when they have heard that the large majority of residents actively oppose their moat development concept and oppose any development on the golf course/are they aware that Boca Teeca property owners control the use of the property via the recorded deed restriction that requires the use to be only as a golf course?
Answer: Yes, Lennar is aware of the deed restriction controlled by property owners within Boca Teeca. Lennar is not transparent in their reasoning on the purchase, expect that thy want to build on all of the golf course property.
5) Is Lennar representative Bruce Grundt is planning to retire, or commit career suicide by pursuing this acquisition, OR is Lennar simply trying to make Boca Teeca residents their lobbyists at the city council in an attempt to swap the Ocean Breeze golf course for the current municipal golf course and achieve a large discount on the purchase price of the current municipal golf course?
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Petitions for Opposing ALL Development on Ocean Breeze Golf Course
Residents in Boca Teeca have conducted numerous surveys and the results have consistently resulted in over 90% of residents opposing ALL development on the Ocean Breeze golf course. In order to document this officially for city officials, Lennar & Wells Fargo, the residents are asking for your support by signing a petition stating that you oppose ALL development on the golf course. Please email us at bocaresidents@gmail.com and we will email you a petition to sign and return.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you for your support.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Beach & Park District Supports Ocean Breeze Purchase
At the 6/20 meeting of the Greater Boca Raton Beach & Parks District all commissioners announced their support for the purchase of the Ocean Breeze golf course by the city with cooperation by the district. The issue will be on the agenda at the next meeting for a resolution or other action to be considered by the district.
WOW - this is a major milestone in support for keeping the Boca Teeca golf course as a public facility. But, it must be noted that the city is not specter o take action quickly as demonstrated by the lack of cooperation between the park district & the city which has delayed for over a year the expansion of the new Spanish River Blvd. Park "on city owned land". This stalemate appears to be over money and how the interlocal agreement between these two elected bodies has been frustrating to local soccer organizations, SABR, since they having a limited number of fields for the growing number of children programs.
Commissioners also noted that this may only happen IF the city decides to sell the current golf course on west glades road which is well outside the city limits. Based upon a letter and appraisal submitted to the city by Lennar, the current municipal golf course could net the city over $20 million if Lennar can get development approvals form palm beach county. City council member Jeremy Rodgers mentioned that property could be valued at up to $50 million and there have been reports that other developers are interested in the property.
What does this mean for Boca Teeca residents?
The elected officials are cooperating, but Wells Fargo has a contingent contract with Lennar, s it would be necessary for Lennar and Wells Fargo to cooperate with the city in order for the deal to get done. Meanwhile Wells Fargo is planning to pull the plug on the Ocean Breeze golf operation and the property will be vacated as of 7/1. Residents may communicate their complaints to Wells Fargo by sending emails to the Wells Fargo chairman - john.g.stumpf@wellsfargo.com with a cc to the Wells Fargo VP responsible for the decision to close the course- marc.curtis@wellsfargo.com
WOW - this is a major milestone in support for keeping the Boca Teeca golf course as a public facility. But, it must be noted that the city is not specter o take action quickly as demonstrated by the lack of cooperation between the park district & the city which has delayed for over a year the expansion of the new Spanish River Blvd. Park "on city owned land". This stalemate appears to be over money and how the interlocal agreement between these two elected bodies has been frustrating to local soccer organizations, SABR, since they having a limited number of fields for the growing number of children programs.
Commissioners also noted that this may only happen IF the city decides to sell the current golf course on west glades road which is well outside the city limits. Based upon a letter and appraisal submitted to the city by Lennar, the current municipal golf course could net the city over $20 million if Lennar can get development approvals form palm beach county. City council member Jeremy Rodgers mentioned that property could be valued at up to $50 million and there have been reports that other developers are interested in the property.
What does this mean for Boca Teeca residents?
The elected officials are cooperating, but Wells Fargo has a contingent contract with Lennar, s it would be necessary for Lennar and Wells Fargo to cooperate with the city in order for the deal to get done. Meanwhile Wells Fargo is planning to pull the plug on the Ocean Breeze golf operation and the property will be vacated as of 7/1. Residents may communicate their complaints to Wells Fargo by sending emails to the Wells Fargo chairman - john.g.stumpf@wellsfargo.com with a cc to the Wells Fargo VP responsible for the decision to close the course- marc.curtis@wellsfargo.com
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Boca Teeca Residents are Pawns in Lennar-Wells Fargo Chess Game
Today's SunSentinel article on the golf course reveals more information about the possible chess strategy that Lennar (and their local legal representative, Mitch Kirschner) are playing with the city. The news article notes that Lennar has made an offer of $28 million to buy the current municipal golf course located on west Glades road contingent upon development approval (from PB county) to build at least 400 homes. Approval is contingent upon PB county approval since this property is not located within the city of Boca Raton and is in the unincorporated area of the county/west of the turnpike.
It appears that Boca Teeca residents are the pawns in this chess match as Lennar/Wells Fargo has announced the closure of the golf course as of 7/1, BUT, will this backfire on Wells Fargo as residents & customers can pocket or withdraw funds from Wells Fargo if they do not like being a pawn of the large bank. Unhappy residents may want to complain to their local Wells Fargo branch managers and/or send an email to chairman John Stumpf at john.g.stumpf@wellsfargo.com. Complaints may also be sent to Marc.Curtis@wellsfargo.com since he is their chess player that oversees the ocean breeze golf course property and made the decision to close the course on July 1st.
City councilman Jeremy Rodgers was also cited in the SunSentinel article as saying that the current municipal golf course is worth closer to $50 million. There is also a reported interest in the current city owned golf course by developer Toll Brothers.
Why the interest in selling the current city golf course? This property was acquired many years ago and was developed when there were few homes or other public golf courses in the area. Subsequently Palm Beach county has built/acquired 2 courses in the west Boca Raton area, Southwinds and Osprey Point. The Osprey Point golf course has 27 holes of championship level golf and has been acclaimed as one of the best public courses in the state of Florida. The popularity of the nearby Osprey Point golf course has probably had a negative impact on the number of rounds played at the current Boca Raton municipal golf course. Osprey Point golf course is also located on Glades road in west Boca Raton.
It appears that Boca Teeca residents are the pawns in this chess match as Lennar/Wells Fargo has announced the closure of the golf course as of 7/1, BUT, will this backfire on Wells Fargo as residents & customers can pocket or withdraw funds from Wells Fargo if they do not like being a pawn of the large bank. Unhappy residents may want to complain to their local Wells Fargo branch managers and/or send an email to chairman John Stumpf at john.g.stumpf@wellsfargo.com. Complaints may also be sent to Marc.Curtis@wellsfargo.com since he is their chess player that oversees the ocean breeze golf course property and made the decision to close the course on July 1st.
City councilman Jeremy Rodgers was also cited in the SunSentinel article as saying that the current municipal golf course is worth closer to $50 million. There is also a reported interest in the current city owned golf course by developer Toll Brothers.
Why the interest in selling the current city golf course? This property was acquired many years ago and was developed when there were few homes or other public golf courses in the area. Subsequently Palm Beach county has built/acquired 2 courses in the west Boca Raton area, Southwinds and Osprey Point. The Osprey Point golf course has 27 holes of championship level golf and has been acclaimed as one of the best public courses in the state of Florida. The popularity of the nearby Osprey Point golf course has probably had a negative impact on the number of rounds played at the current Boca Raton municipal golf course. Osprey Point golf course is also located on Glades road in west Boca Raton.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Golf, Grass or Kiss My A$$
A meeting this week of a group of Boca Teeca residents resulting is a rallying slogan for the approximate 90+% of residents who opposed any amendment of the deed restriction on the ocean breeze golf course, Golf Grass or Kiss My A$$
In addition to giving a pulse of the residents opinion on amending the deed restriction there were a few other news worthy issues:
1) Lennar is not willing to be transparent with their efforts to sell residents on their proposal for a moat with views of rooftops, as they have refused to disclose the contingency terms of their contract to buy the property from Wells Fargo. Sources have indicated that Lennar is responsible for the decision to close the golf course in their effort to pressure owners to agree to a deal. This lack of cooperation by Bruce Grundt of Lennar us only solidifying the residents around the rallying slogan, so feel free to email the slogan to Bruce.grundt@lennar.com
2). The self appointed ladders of BTUOA have been unable to turn on the public comment function on their news blog due to the numerous foul comments posted by visitors. Maybe they should listen to these neighbors who adamantly reject being represented by this self appointed small group of residents?
* Self appointed leader, Sally Friedman, did state that she opposed the development proposal, but that the city was not interested in acquiring the golf course. Later that same day the Boca Raton city council had multiple members show interest in having the city cooperate with the beach & park district in acquiring the golf course. DUH, why is anyone still listening to her?
3) Condo #4 disclosed that they did a poll of their residents and only 2 out of over 160 owners were in favor of any development on the golf course. This is noteworthy as this was the building that former BTUOA leader Shirkey Svhnuer resided for many years. It was interesting that several residents in attendance from this building never heard of BTUOA until the meeting and were appalled to learn that the few BTUOA offcers present were claiming to represent them in discussions with the city and Lennar.
4) A discussion on the process of potentially amending the deed restriction resulted in several opposition opinions, including "why are non-elected residents (BTUOA) even talking to Lennar when clearly there is no interest and this group does not represent anyone but themselves. Also, there should be a requirement iof transparency by Lennar during this process and all signatures must be required to be notarized, unlike the process by MCZ Centeum almost 10 years ago.
5) Lennar rep. Bruce Grundt is planning to continue his efforts by meeting secretly with selective condo associations in the next few weeks. Again, it is suggested that Boca Teeca neighbors send emails to Bruce.grundt@lennar.com expressing their complete lack of interest in cooperating with Lennar and their ridiculous moat development proposal.
6) The next meeting of the BTUOA will be the 2nd Tuesday in July and will be held at the community center annex building/near city hall...at the same 2:30pm time, in spite of several suggestions by residents to schedule the meetings after normal business hours so more residents could attend and provide input. The August meeting is also scheduled for the same location near city hall on the 2nd Tuesday at 2:30pm.
What are your comments or suggestions?
In addition to giving a pulse of the residents opinion on amending the deed restriction there were a few other news worthy issues:
1) Lennar is not willing to be transparent with their efforts to sell residents on their proposal for a moat with views of rooftops, as they have refused to disclose the contingency terms of their contract to buy the property from Wells Fargo. Sources have indicated that Lennar is responsible for the decision to close the golf course in their effort to pressure owners to agree to a deal. This lack of cooperation by Bruce Grundt of Lennar us only solidifying the residents around the rallying slogan, so feel free to email the slogan to Bruce.grundt@lennar.com
2). The self appointed ladders of BTUOA have been unable to turn on the public comment function on their news blog due to the numerous foul comments posted by visitors. Maybe they should listen to these neighbors who adamantly reject being represented by this self appointed small group of residents?
* Self appointed leader, Sally Friedman, did state that she opposed the development proposal, but that the city was not interested in acquiring the golf course. Later that same day the Boca Raton city council had multiple members show interest in having the city cooperate with the beach & park district in acquiring the golf course. DUH, why is anyone still listening to her?
3) Condo #4 disclosed that they did a poll of their residents and only 2 out of over 160 owners were in favor of any development on the golf course. This is noteworthy as this was the building that former BTUOA leader Shirkey Svhnuer resided for many years. It was interesting that several residents in attendance from this building never heard of BTUOA until the meeting and were appalled to learn that the few BTUOA offcers present were claiming to represent them in discussions with the city and Lennar.
4) A discussion on the process of potentially amending the deed restriction resulted in several opposition opinions, including "why are non-elected residents (BTUOA) even talking to Lennar when clearly there is no interest and this group does not represent anyone but themselves. Also, there should be a requirement iof transparency by Lennar during this process and all signatures must be required to be notarized, unlike the process by MCZ Centeum almost 10 years ago.
5) Lennar rep. Bruce Grundt is planning to continue his efforts by meeting secretly with selective condo associations in the next few weeks. Again, it is suggested that Boca Teeca neighbors send emails to Bruce.grundt@lennar.com expressing their complete lack of interest in cooperating with Lennar and their ridiculous moat development proposal.
6) The next meeting of the BTUOA will be the 2nd Tuesday in July and will be held at the community center annex building/near city hall...at the same 2:30pm time, in spite of several suggestions by residents to schedule the meetings after normal business hours so more residents could attend and provide input. The August meeting is also scheduled for the same location near city hall on the 2nd Tuesday at 2:30pm.
What are your comments or suggestions?
City Council Interested in Boca Teeca Golf Course
Maybe the recent Facebook post of a pic of councilman Jetemy Rodgers, his son and mayor Haynie's husband, Neil Haynie was an indication of the interest in the city officials acquiring the ocean breeze golf course in order to retain public chamionship level golf in Boca Raton. At tonight's city council meeting there were multiple city council members who brought up the issue of a cooperative effort between the city and the beach & park district for acquiring the golf course. Thank you councilman Rodgets for klaus tensing to residents of Boca Teeca who have sought a solution to the golf course closing at the end of the month. Send an email to councilman Rodgers to thank him for his lead ship in this effort - jrodgers@myboca.us

Saturday, June 11, 2016
Mortgage Benefit to BTUOA Leader
Does it sound unusual that Wells Fargo bank would provide a $390,000 home equity loan on Sallie Friedman's Boca Teeca condo which is estimated value at $150k-$200k? This mortgage was filed in the Palm Beach official records during the previous deed restriction amendment process, so is it a quid pro quo that Sallie has been supporting Wells Fargo bank and their sell of the golf course to Lennar?
What are your thoughts on the appearances of this issue?
What are your thoughts on the appearances of this issue?
Councilman Jeremy Rodgers Supports retaining golf in Boca Teeca
Boca Raton City Councilman Jeremy Rodgers posted the following on his Facebook page today which indicates his support for the city and beach & park district to buy the golf course and maintain championship level public golf in Boca Raton:
Reportedly The Ocean Breeze Golf and Country Club [Boca Teeca] is under foreclosure and will be closing soon. It is zoned recreation. This is a possible once in a lifetime opportunity to keep golf in Boca. Some families live in golf neighborhoods. Many, like ours, do not, and there are few spots for young families to learn golf in the city. Boca's current 18 hole municipal course is outside of the city and west of the Turnpike.
There may be another option. Whether it's City of Boca Raton, FL Government, Greater Boca Raton Beach District, a non-profit, a private investor, or a joint venture .. should a publicly playable championship course be kept in the city?
What do you think??
*Email councilman Rodgers at jrodgers@ci.boca-raton.fl.us
**Post your comment on this web site
***Post your comment on Facebook under Boca Teeca or Councilman Rodgers page
Reportedly The Ocean Breeze Golf and Country Club [Boca Teeca] is under foreclosure and will be closing soon. It is zoned recreation. This is a possible once in a lifetime opportunity to keep golf in Boca. Some families live in golf neighborhoods. Many, like ours, do not, and there are few spots for young families to learn golf in the city. Boca's current 18 hole municipal course is outside of the city and west of the Turnpike.
There may be another option. Whether it's City of Boca Raton, FL Government, Greater Boca Raton Beach District, a non-profit, a private investor, or a joint venture .. should a publicly playable championship course be kept in the city?
What do you think??
*Email councilman Rodgers at jrodgers@ci.boca-raton.fl.us
**Post your comment on this web site
***Post your comment on Facebook under Boca Teeca or Councilman Rodgers page
Environmental Testing Underway
For those neighbors who have expressed concerns about hazardous chemicals in the soil on the Ocean Breeze golf course, this week Lennar's environmental contractor has been on the property drilling for soil and ground water testing, aka, environmental phase 1 & 2 testing. The Florida dept. of environmental protection (FDEP) has been monitoring this property for the past several years, under the supervision of Bill Ruckert (561-681-6600). The FDEP had required some soil remediation near the maintenance shed on the south course and their monitoring has been limited to this area of the property.
Considering that golf course conversions are not a new development, it would be expected that large developers such as Lennar are well aware of these risks and there may be a clause in their contract with Wells Fargo that addresses this issue. Unfortunately, the city of Boca Raton has not follows the actions of broward county in requiring the environmental testing to be a requirement for their development proposals, so the results of these tests may not be as transparent as residents would desire during this process, that is, the property owner is not required to disclose these results to the city or the nearby residents.
Considering that golf course conversions are not a new development, it would be expected that large developers such as Lennar are well aware of these risks and there may be a clause in their contract with Wells Fargo that addresses this issue. Unfortunately, the city of Boca Raton has not follows the actions of broward county in requiring the environmental testing to be a requirement for their development proposals, so the results of these tests may not be as transparent as residents would desire during this process, that is, the property owner is not required to disclose these results to the city or the nearby residents.
Friday, June 3, 2016
Beach & Parks District Support/Commissioner Starkoff
Long time commissioner Earl Starkoff of the Greater Boca Raton Beach & Parks District has announced his support of the local government acquisition of the Ocean Breeze golf course property. In a communication to several residents of Boca Teeca, Commissioner Starkoff wrote to Boca Teeca residents who attended the recent meeting:
It was nice to meet/see you at our meeting last week.
Please keep us in mind if the City seeks to purchase the golf course to address your request. We have assisted the City with land acquisitions in the past, and we should consider what role we could play to help finance the acquisition.
Earl L. Starkoff
Greater Boca Raton Beach & Park District
300 S. Military Trail
Boca Raton, FL 33486
How will the city council members respond to this support for retaining this property for golf course use? Will the city leaders cooperate with Boca Teeca residents and the Beach & Park District, or will they only see dollar signs from more tax revenue generated by more development?
Stay tuned, this should be interesting as this issue plays out over the next several months which leads up to the March election of some city council members and the upcoming vote on city's council salaries.
Supporters of keeping the Ocean Breeze property as a golf course may wish to contact city council members and commissioners of the Greater Boca Raton Beach & Parks District at:
Mayor Susan Haynie - shaynie@ci.boca-raton.fl.us
Councilman Mullaugh - mmullaugh@ci.boca-raton.fl.us
Councilman Singer - ssinger@ci.boca-raton.fl.us
Councilman Rodgers - jrodgers@ci.boca-raton.fl.us
Councilman Weinroth - rweinroth@ci.boca-raton.fl.us
Beach & Parks District Commissioners:
Earl Starkoff - estarkoff@mybocaparks.org
Bob Rollins - rrollins@mybocaparks.org
Steve Engel - sengel@mybocaparks.org
Dr. Dennis Frisch - dfrisch@mybocaparks.org
Susan Vogelgesang - svogelgesang@mybocaparks.org
The next 2 meetings of the beach & park district are scheduled for Monday 6/6 & 6/20 at 5:15pm at the offices of the district located at Sugar Sand park (military trail-south of palmetto park rd). Should you wish to thank Commissioner Starkoff and ask for additional support of the district, then you may want to give brief remarks at the beginning of the agenda during the public comment period.
It must be noted that the Greater Boca Raton Beach & Parks District is NOT a dept of the city but they do cooperate with the city in the acquisition, improvement and maintenance of district-owned properties. The park district boundaries covers approximately 25,000 additional residents more than the city limits which mostly comprises the Boca del mar subdivision.
Survey - Residents Oppose Development!
For the past several days there has been a survey of over 700 Boca Raton residents who are signed up for this neighborhood web site, NextDoor. The survey basically asks if residents are for or against development on the Boca Teca/Ocean Breeze golf course. The survey has over 90% of participants opposing the development.
This is the first survey that has been open to the public and this clearly demonstrates that residents overwhelmingly oppose any development on the golf course. What will it take for Wells Fargo bank staff to to recognize that residents control the deed restriction on the property and residents are not going to approve any change in the deed restriction that will allow any development?
Let Wells Fargo know your opinion by calling your local branch or sending emails to Wells Fargo:
Chairman - John.stumpf@wellsfargo.com
Local branch - reberto.diaz@wellsfargo.com (branch at Congress Ave. & Yamato Rd)
Regional Manager - Saira.jacobs@wellsfargo.com (assistant to Joe Atkinson/FL V.P.)
This is the first survey that has been open to the public and this clearly demonstrates that residents overwhelmingly oppose any development on the golf course. What will it take for Wells Fargo bank staff to to recognize that residents control the deed restriction on the property and residents are not going to approve any change in the deed restriction that will allow any development?
Let Wells Fargo know your opinion by calling your local branch or sending emails to Wells Fargo:
Chairman - John.stumpf@wellsfargo.com
Local branch - reberto.diaz@wellsfargo.com (branch at Congress Ave. & Yamato Rd)
Regional Manager - Saira.jacobs@wellsfargo.com (assistant to Joe Atkinson/FL V.P.)
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