Preserving the Residential Character of Boca Teeca

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Update / Petitions & Lennar

Thank you Boca Teeca neighbors for showing your support in assisting with the collection of petitions from your neighbors.  In only a few weeks there have been over 500 petitions collected from Boca Teeca property owners.  By comparison it took MCZ over a year to collect under 1,000 forms as they plied our neighbors with free food & drinks at the clubhouse.

Our organizational efforts have increased considerably thanks to the near unanimous opposition to ANY development on the golf course.  Vocal supporters have sprung up at public meetings as it has been a true rallying cry of Golf, Grass or Kiss Our A$$.

There have been some behind-the-scenes talk that the city would like to use a portion of the golf course for other recreational uses, but even BTUOA leaders expressed their opposition against any ball fields behind their condo on the East golf course.  While there were heated discussions at a recent meeting of Boca Teeca owners, it was clear that over 90% of those in attendance actively opposed any development and readily signed the petition opposing any development.

So, what does all of this mean to Lennar?  Well, it appears that Lennar is sticking with their moat proposal as indications are that they plan to close on their contract to buy the property in spite of the deed restriction support by residents.  Maybe Boca Teeca residents will need to start picketing some Lennar developments on weekends, or expand their anti-Lennar campaign on social media?


  1. Lennar has not made any solid proposals, other than they want to build lakes and still have never shown anyone what the proposed buildings will look like if they can can the golf course restriction lifted and then get the city ot change the zoning to residential.. inmy opinion, lennar used the committee as tools and was not up front with them.. they were never informed about anything except that lennar was going to build townhomes and single family homes intersperced on the 3 courses.. the number of homes was not definite, the offers to the residents were non existent , at least any that were worth discussing..wells fargo is rumored to have a contract with lennar statinf more or less that if the deed restriction is lifted, lennar gets first shot.. IMO lennar has no chance of getting the 800 plus votes to lift the restriction and at this point in time the parks dept and the city may support the idea of keeping it as a golf course, not a park, but will never buy, the course will go fallow and we will have the golf part of that cute slogan, golf grass or kiss my ass. at this time if we want any but a empty, fall ow course we need to stop the BS Among each other and stand together to speak to the city and try to work out a solution other than a fallow course with the city..i have been around for a long time and i know that the in fighting will accomplish nothing, the btuoa alone will accomplish nothing because as we all know politicians say what they need to say.. sooo if you people are serious about finding a solution contact me or contact dukate and he will contact mee and we will try to find a solution that works for all of us,,, being stubborn is just wrong we are all on the same sidee.. i seriously dobt if Lennar will have the votes he needs and if the park department will bet the restriction lifted to make a park,, my name is george gershon and i am easy to reach

    1. Thank you George for your comments as an insider in the BTUOA committee that held private meetings with Lennar. Based upon your insight do you think that Lennar is currently only interested in using OB as leverage with the city to acquire/swap for the west glades road golf course property at a below market price? / they have not attended the last 2 public BTUOA meetings and they have only provided a very weak "moat" concept proposal.

    2. imo , lennar blew the deal,mmaybe on purpose , maybe they wanted to get the muni course in the first place, who knmows , but they surely did not act as if they were seriuos about the OB course... sowhat is next.. the so called private meeting were a joke, we knew les about what was happening than you guys did...IMO lennar will never , ever get the deerestricyions lifted and lennar does not do the kind of bargaining that MCS did.. at this aal we can do is keep presswure omn the council and wait and see what happens... one day at a time

  2. the course is closed and will remain so for many years. lennar is the lowest bidder for the muni course and the city must sell to the highest bidder... even if the city sels to lenar, why would you thin k that they would get rid a \good course that is operational and buy a pice of garbage that is in the terrible shape that the OB course is in?the wants out of the golf business... the course at OB needs millions of dollars just to get it in shape to play on , let alone be a championship course.. the unit owners at TW never supported the club and evenif, by some mirucle they reropen the course, the residents will still not support it.. thse are the same people that would not chip in 3 dollars ayear to hore alawyer.. it won't happen...the course will remain closed for a long time until a operator is found that wants to invest the millions it will take to refurbish the buildings and the course // the deed restriction will remain in efect because no body wants a park on the course.. the leades of golf, grass or kissmy ass are just dwhat they do for whatever easons they have,, the couse is closed and will stay that way and the city will not committ until after the elections because of the pressure being put on them.. se will wait and see, there are no twom sides, noone want sto build and all want to keep the course open, but it does nit look like that will happen in the foreseable future... so all you guys at golf, grass or kiss our ass, have a wondeful opportunity to figure out what you want to kiss.. but if we don't all wotk together. we alll ose
