Preserving the Residential Character of Boca Teeca

Thursday, April 21, 2016

BTUOA meeting on May 10th

Below is an illustration of sentiment about the BTUOA and it's operation and the formation of a secret committee that is negotiating with Lennar as a representative of residents of Boca Teeca:
This is why Sallie cannot be trusted to represent our interests. Look how many e mails went back and forth over the past couple of weeks. I made sure she received them all and not one response from her. It wasn't until I sent one to her specifically prohibiting her from making any commitment to Lennar that she finally responded. Is she elected to the position she holds? Who votes? When is her term expiring? Will u replace her? We need a fair & transparent representative.
The next meeting of the BTUOA is scheduled for May 10th at 2:30pm at the Ocean Breeze dining room or is this the time for the "President's Council" meeting?   Residents may be members of the BTUOA via their condo association paying $1/unit for everyone's membership, so please pass this information along so there is a balanced representation of owners at this meeting and not only the "friends" of the BTUOA and their secret committee.

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